The History of ACME


Association of Chinese Management Educators is an academic organization for university business professors.  During 1980, there were many prominent China-born (mainly from Taiwan initially) scholars/professors working in US business schools.  They often convened in academic and professional conferences such as Decision Sciences Institute, and they felt the need to create their own association.  In 1991, a group of professors established the association, "American Chinese Management Educators" (ACME) and an annual conference to be held in various US cities; the first conference was launched in Washington DC with much success.  The platform of the ACME conference is similar to other academic and professional conferences, where the conference will publish a conference program and a refereed proceeding.  At its height, there were 300 participants from all over the world including United Sates, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. 

Name Change

Because there were more people attending ACME conferences from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China during 2000s, the name of "American Chinese" did not adequately reflect the participants of the conference.  During 2000's, the name of the association was changed to "Association of Chinese Management Educators". The name of the conference was also changed to "International Conference on Pacific Rim Management".



ACME publishes proceedings and an academic journal.  International Journal of Management Theory and Practices (IJMTP) is the official journal of ACME (ISSN: 1532-5679). IJMTP is published annually and is listed in the Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in all the business fields. All the papers published in IJMTP have to go through a double-blind review process.